Patrick Wong, PhD. DABT

@ California Air Resources Board

Pat Wong is the manager of Building and Indoors Environment Section (BIES) in the Research Division of the California Air Resources Board (CARB).  He obtained his PhD. in Pharmacology from UCLA and is a board-certified toxicologist.  BIES manages research relating to identifying and evaluating factors which can impact indoor air quality. This includes investigation of indoor air pollution sources, outdoor sources which infiltrate indoors, and strategies for mitigating exposures to these air pollutants. In addition, the section is responsible for administering California’s AB 836 Wildfire Smoke Clean Air Centers for Vulnerable Populations program and CARB’s air cleaner certification program. In 2022, through a US EPA 105 grant, staff from the section and CARB’s health branch organized the Salton Sea Community Forums Series with UC Riverside and local community-based organizations. The main goal of this series was to engage researchers and local community members in a collaborative project to understand priority research needs for the region.


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