Thank you for joining us at the Healthy Desert, Healthy You Summit! Together, our community tackled critical conversations about air quality and health, sparking ideas and action for a healthier future.

We invite you to relive some of the highlights with our Photo Gallery below.

At the bottom of this page, you will find some additional resources regarding air quality and health in our region. Check back frequently, as our team will add additional resources as we find them!

Stay connected for updates on upcoming events and initiatives that empower positive change in our desert community. Together, we’re making strides toward a healthier tomorrow!

Fun Facts

Community Impact

Over 300 people gathered at the summit to explore the intersectionality of climate, health and equity, build community, and advance collaborative work in the pursuit of a healthier, more equitable future.


Did you know? The Healthy Desert, Healthy You Summit featured over 45 hand-picked speakers—each chosen for their expertise and passion for creating healthier communities. It was an inspiring lineup you won’t want to miss next year!

Spanish Translation & ASL Support

We will be providing Spanish translation and ASL support to ensure that all attendees can fully participate and engage. It will enhance inclusivity and enrich the overall summit experience.


Thank you to our sponsors!






There are several programs available to help mitigate air quality issues. Please take a look at the information below to see if one of them is right for you!

Limiting Your Exposure to Air Pollution

Air pollution in and around your home can come from a variety of sources and can cause health problems for you, your family and your neighbors. Here are some tips to minimize how much air pollution you breathe in and around your home.

RUHS Climate Change Program

The Climate Change Program from RUHS-Public Health is working on a project to help communities address environmental and climate issues. Your feedback is valuable in understanding the community’s needs.

Please take a few minutes to fill out this short survey. Your responses will play a vital role in helping create a project that will benefit the community.

Sign Up for Air Quality Alerts

You can receive accurate air quality advisories that can be tailored to your specific location. South Coast AQMD’s award winning app provides real-time and forecasted air quality information using data from regulatory monitors, hundreds of low-cost sensors, and state-of-the-art models with scientifically validated methods developed by air quality experts.

Filing a Complaint

You can help South Coast AQMD protect public health in the South Coast Air Basin by making a complaint about air quality problems online or call 1-800-CUT SMOG.

Residential Air Filtration Incentives

The Residential Air Filtration Program aims to reduce residential exposure to particulate matter (PM) in participating AB 617 Communities. Residents within the Eastern Coachella Valley are eligible for free portable air filtration units and replacement filters, improving indoor air quality.

Join the UC California Naturalist Climate Stewards Course

Discover how climate change is impacting our natural and social systems, and learn how you can make a difference with the UC California Naturalist Climate Stewards Course. This 10-week program at UCR Palm Desert combines online and hands-on learning, experience sharing, and volunteer service to empower you to improve ecosystem and community resilience.

Wildfire Smoke & Ash Health & Safety Tips

Wildfires can often cause high air pollution levels that are harmful to your health. Protect your health by taking steps Before, During, and After a wildfire to reduce how much pollution you are breathing.

Open Burn Program

Rule 444 – Open Burning (PDF) is designed to ensure that open burning is conducted in a manner that minimizes emissions and impacts, and that smoke is managed consistent with state and federal law in order to protect public health and safety.

CARB Community Air Grant Opportunity

The California Air Resources Board’s Office of Community Air Protection has released its Community Air Grant (CAG) Cycle 5 Request for Applications. These grants fund California 501(c)(3) nonprofits and Native American tribes for projects addressing air quality issues in heavily polluted communities. This cycle offers $16 million in funding.

Eastern Coachella Valley Community Air Monitoring

This page is dedicated to the Eastern Coachella Valley (ECV) community data platform for real-time continuous measurements, interactive data summaries, air monitoring progress reports and the Community Air Monitoring Plan (CAMP).

Copyright 2024 Desert Healthcare District. All rights reserved
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